In 2023, the DTMB reached out to GIS professionals across the State of Michigan to gather their input for the Strategic Plan for Statewide Geospatial Coordination. The survey respondents and interview participants alike emphasized the value of the statewide professional GIS organizations IMAGIN and MiCAMP. They also stated a strong desire for a unified organization, leading to the creation of a dedicated team of ten individuals, five from each organization, to explore this transformative path forward.
Since then representatives from both IMAGIN and MiCAMP have been meeting to develop a MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (“MOU”) to reflect the understanding and agreement between IMAGIN and MiCAMP for the consolidation of the two professional Geographic Information Systems (GIS) organizations within the State of Michigan into a new organization, but leveraging the structures and existing incorporations of one of the organizations.
On June 26, 2024 IMAGIN and MiCAMP’s boards of directors joined together to formally vote on bringing the MOU to their memberships for an official vote. IMAGIN voted ten in favor, two against, two abstained, and one absent. MiCAMP voted unanimously with nine in favor.
On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, IMAGIN and MiCAMP hosted an online web meeting to present the proposal to the full memberships of both organizations and receive any questions regarding the consolidation. Below you will find the recording of the webinar, presentation slides, and a Consolidation Form to fill out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. The Consolidation form will remain open for the time being.
On August 23, 2024, the voting for the IMAGIN-MiCAMP MOU Consolidation Proposal ended. We’re thrilled to share that our members showed strong engagement and support!
✅ MiCAMP membership voted to approve the MOU and the request to dissolve the 501(c)(6).
✅ IMAGIN membership voted to approve the MOU and the bylaws amendment to incorporate MiCAMP membership.
Following MiCAMP’s conference (September 18-20), our next steps will be to incorporate new members into IMAGIN’s database and then hold a full membership vote to adopt new bylaws. We are currently receiving legal advice on the filing process and may need to make a slight adjustment to proposed dates to allow paperwork to be processed. We appreciate your support and understanding as we navigate this process.
Important information about the timeline and membership voting details can be found in the MOU posted below or on the IMAGIN website.
Consolidating our two GIS professional organizations presents a remarkable opportunity to amplify our impact and transform the way we serve our respective community. The MOU represents the foundation for a partnership that seeks to turn this opportunity into action. While there is room for further refinement, the MOU serves as an outline to propel us forward.
Your input and assistance, are invaluable as we work together to shape this agreement into a comprehensive framework that meets our collective needs and objectives, ensuring that our partnership evolves in the most mutually beneficial manner.
We hope that you will take the time to review the MOU and consider your thoughts on the consolidation. Please plan to join us at our online web meeting(s) and we look forward to hearing your thoughts! Let us embark on this exciting journey towards unity, knowing that our collective potential far surpasses what we can achieve alone.